What is Biomechanical Movement Screening? Benefits and How It Works

What is Biomechanical Movement Screening? Benefits and How It Works



It’s amazing how the world of sports has evolved. As we live in the golden age of data, new technologies like Biomechanics Movement Screening allow for a much better understanding of how the human body moves.

At Performance One, every athlete and sports enthusiast who comes for Biomechanics Movement Screening has a story of their own. And each time we show them their motion analysis videos, their faces transform. We almost always get that expression, “Wow, I didn’t know I moved like that!”

Seeing your body in motion, with a screen full of your biomechanics data, can be an eye-opening experience. A physical therapist will not only explain and show why you experience chronic pain, injury, stiff muscles, or movement constraints.

The benefits? Evaluating your movement patterns can help you improve your performance in sports, as well as any other physical activities. You learn how to move better and you also feel better.

Let’s dive into what Biomechanical Movement Screening is and how it works.

What is Biomechanics Movement Screening?

We live in a tech-driven sports world and hear a lot about data analytics for game statistics. But really, there’s much more to it. For sports players, coaches, and physiotherapists, technology offers the benefits of analyzing, understanding, and improving how athletes move.

Biomechanics Movement Screening (BMS) is cutting-edge technology for analyzing a person’s body posture and physical capabilities. At its core, BMS is a comprehensive 3D analysis of an athlete's movement patterns, providing insights into every plane of motion. And when we say “every plane,” we mean all the movements.

Biomechanics Movement Screening scores functional asymmetry, flexibility, lower extremity power, dynamic posture, balance, core stability, and susceptibility to injury.

Here is how a session of Biomechanics Movement Screening works:

Initial Assessment

First, we quickly capture lab-quality 3D movement data in our simulator. Imagine having a full-body scan that reveals the hidden intricacies of your movement. Well, this is it! High-resolution video movement screening helps detect and analyze areas of weakness, tightness, or imbalances in the body.

Motion analysis

Using the captured data, we understand how an athlete moves in 3D space. With expert observational analysis and a musculoskeletal examination, physiotherapists get a detailed view of your body’s movements.

Biomechanics Movement Screening shows exactly how athletes move in their unique way, be it a swing, jump, or sprint.

BMS Report and Feedback

Now comes the fun part, where players get to see themselves in action. At P1, we show them their video, so they can understand their body postures and movements.

Along with the fun comes the work to be done, so we discuss the findings with the athlete. We turn this motion analysis data into actionable insights. We develop a special training plan tailored to address the specific needs identified during the screening.

Coach & Train

This is the action phase. At Performance One, we emphasize effort and accountability. Athletes who come for our Biomechanics Movement Screening get access to our patented biofeedback coaching and training tools. This way, coaches and players can communicate effectively and implement necessary changes.

Benefits of Biomechanics Movement Screening

Improved sports performance

Biomechanics movement screening is a high-tech approach, one of a kind. You get to see every inch of every movement, every flexion that is nearly imperceptible at first sight. Every angle and motion of the body is right there, to show how each part is working and how fast, and if there’s any stress in particular joints.

With such precise data, athletes can refine their techniques, enhancing their speed and agility. Overall, sports biomechanics offer a personalized performance booster.

Injury prevention and management

As everyone’s body is unique, each athlete may be more susceptible to certain types of injuries. For instance, one arm might be stronger and more flexible than the other, or specific body postures might need some adjustments.

One of the key benefits of Biomechanics Movement Screening is that it helps identify these imbalances and asymmetries. Understanding where weaknesses lie means you can address them before they turn into serious problems, keeping you in the game longer.

Personalized training programs

The data provided by 3D motion analysis is incredibly valuable, but BMS alone isn’t enough. You need expert professional trainers to evaluate this data. Now, you know who can help with this?

Movement screening for athletes can offer all its benefits when combined with personal training programs, like ours at Performance One. Looking for a high-tech roadmap tailored to your success? Well, this is it.

Enhanced understanding of body mechanics

Information is power, and biomechanics in sports is about creating powerful athletes. As we said at the beginning, when sports players get to see their motion analysis videos, their faces light up. It changes how they perceive themselves.

To keep learning, let’s explain how biomechanics movement screening works. Oh, wait. Are we analyzing movement analysis? Yes! Here we go

How BMS Works


So, what movements are we evaluating with biomechanics movement screening? When we capture your movements with our 3D motion analysis, we’re looking at seven key exercises and movement patterns:

Deep Squat

The deep squat tests your hips, knees, and ankles. This full-body movement shows us how well these joints work together. Any limitations or asymmetries—which all people have—can tell us a lot about potential issues in your lower body.

Hurdle Step

You know how this one works: the bar on your shoulders, step forward and over the rope, and right back! The hurdle step looks at your stride mechanics during a stepping motion. This test also reveals any imbalances in your hips, knees, and ankles.

In-Line Lunge

The lunge movement focuses on your hips, knees, and ankles again, but also your balance and flexibility. It’s a fantastic way to see how well you can stabilize your body during a challenging movement.

Shoulder Mobility

Shoulder mobility is all about the range of motion in your shoulders and upper back. This test helps us find any restrictions that could affect your upper body movements, especially during overhead activities like swimming, tennis, or throwing sports.

Active Straight Leg Raise

The active straight leg raise assesses your hamstring flexibility and hip joint mobility. It’s really simple: you just lie down and lift your legs. But you would be surprised how many people can’t raise their legs straight!

Trunk Stability Push-Up

This movement pattern evaluates your core strength and stability during a push-up. A strong core is essential for maintaining proper posture and balance, and this test shows us how well your core muscles support your body.

Rotary Stability

Rotary stability looks at how well your torso stabilizes during rotational movements. It’s crucial to understand how your core supports and stabilizes your body during dynamic activities. A must for an athlete’s agility and explosive power.

Who Can Benefit from BMS?

Of course, biomechanics movement screening can take an athlete’s performance to the next level. Imagine shaving seconds off your sprint time, perfecting your football kick, or maximizing your lifting technique. No matter your sport, the benefits of movement screening will help you refine your skills and reach your full potential.

BMS isn’t just for elite athletes. If you love hitting the gym or staying active, the benefits you can get from motion analysis are great for you too. Whether you’re into CrossFit, yoga, or just enjoying a good workout, understanding how your body moves can make a big difference.

If you are a coach, you will love the detailed insights for athletic performance improvement. Motion analysis data helps you communicate more effectively with your athletes about what they need to work on and why.

Perhaps this is not so commonly addressed, but biomechanics movement screening also offers benefits for anyone recovering from an injury. It doesn’t have to be just about sports. BMS can play a crucial role in the rehabilitation process. With movement screening, you can target your rehab efforts more effectively, to get well soon and in better shape.

Would you like to know exactly how movement screening tests your biomechanics? Let’s find out.

Examples of Biomechanical Assessment Tests

Gait Analysis

Gait analysis is the study of human motion, specifically walking or running. This test assesses posture, balance, and coordination, and is great for working on efficient movement.

Functional Movement Screening

Now, here’s a P1 favorite: Functional Movement Screening involves a series of simple movements designed to assess mobility, stability, and functional asymmetries. It has a specific scoring system, and we know athletes love to achieve high scores. Here’s how Functional Movement Screening scoring works:

  • FMS Core 0: Movement causes pain.
  • FMS Core 1: Movement is performed incorrectly or incompletely.
  • FMS Core 2: Movement is completed but needs some improvement.
  • FMS Core 3: Perfect movement, perfect score.

Joint Range of Motion (ROM) Assessment

The joint range of motion assessment measures the flexibility and movement capabilities of your joints.

Muscle Activation Testing

Muscle activation testing evaluates how well different parts of your body work together. It assesses the activation and strength of specific muscles or muscle groups during various movements. Sometimes we don't even realize we are compensating with muscles in opposite parts of the body.

Posture Analysis

We all need this assessment sometime, right? Not only athletes but also office workers, students, seniors, and even high schoolers. Posture analysis examines the alignment of your body while standing and moving. Poor posture can lead to a range of issues, including back pain and decreased sports performance.

Orthotic Assessment

And finally, the orthotic assessment. This assessment evaluates the need for custom orthotics to support and improve foot function. It is useful for identifying issues related to foot biomechanics, such as flat feet or high arches.


Technology will continue to revolutionize how we understand and improve athletic performance. Biomechanics Movement Screening is at the forefront of this revolution. These invaluable insights offer performance benefits that can turn a good athlete into a real champion.

3D motion analysis in sports is a game changer, as it helps athletes refine their techniques, prevent injuries, and achieve their full potential. This means more time on the field, better results, and overall, better health.

But as we also mentioned, the benefits of BMS go beyond just sports. It’s about achieving a better quality of life. Anyone, even those who do not engage in regular physical activity, can benefit from motion analysis and screening to speed up rehabilitation processes, as well as prevent and recover from injuries.

At Performance One, we believe in the power of technology to transform lives. Our expert team will not only help you understand your movement patterns but also guide you in using this knowledge to achieve your goals. Plus, you’ll love seeing your own movement analysis videos and working towards that perfect BMS score.

Ready to take your performance to the next level or improve your overall well-being? Schedule your Biomechanics Movement Screening with us today. Let’s unlock your potential together.

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